Oil blends A-Z

Air (Breathe)

Clean, airy, and refreshing, doTERRA Air is a popular essential oil blend to diffuse in bedrooms, offices, and children’s play areas to support clear breathing.

This best-selling respiratory blend is also available in throat drops and as a vapour stick.

Usage Tips:

  • Diffuse, inhale directly from palms, or rub on chest or feet when seasonal and environmental threats are high.

  • Use when outdoors to minimize the effects of seasonal threats.

  • Diffuse at bedtime to promote a restful night’s sleep.

  • Apply to the chest or breathe in deeply from palms to clear airways and maintain easy breathing.


Aromatherapy and some simple centering yoga poses can create a new sense of peace and purpose, leading to a renewal of resolution.

Remembering your own worth and remaining steady in yourself is a daily practice.

This blend helps you to trust in yourself and stay open to all possibilities.

Usage Tips:

  • Apply over heart, wrists, and back of neck to promote feelings of self-acceptance and fluidity.

  • Enjoy the aromatic benefits of Align whenever you are feeling apathetic and unfocused.

  • Ideal yoga poses with Align's aroma are Warrior II, Triangle, and Gate pose.

  • Can be used during yoga practice or any time during your day.


Bergamot oil is unique among citrus oils because it is both uplifting and calming.

Although the fruit is sour, the oil is sweet and aromatic, and is an ingredient in many fine perfumes.

In Southern Italy, Bergamot oil has been used for hundreds of years to soothe feelings of stress and rejuvenate the complexion.

Usage Tips:

  • Apply to ankles, base of spine, and bottoms of feet to promote feelings of completeness and calmness.

  • Enjoy the aromatic benefits of Anchor whenever you are feeling scattered or uprooted.

  • The perfect yoga poses to pair with the Anchor's aroma are Seated Meditation, Seated Twist, and Bhu Mudra (one hand on the heart, the other on the Earth).

  • Can be used during yoga practice or any time during your day.


This blend inspires moments of rising up and reaching for your highest.

The aromas of this blend support your stability as well as your freedom, endurance for your body, and courage and happiness in your heart

Usage Tips:

  • Apply to temples, wrists, and neck to promote feelings of happiness

  • Enjoy the aromatic benefits of Arise when you are challenging yourself to achieve the next level

  • Use Arise while practicing the following yoga poses: standing, arms high and standing

  • Can be used during yoga practice or any time during your day.

Join me…

So now you can’t wait to get your hands on dōTERRA oils and start reaping the benefits?

Well you are in the right place; the most effective way for you to purchase dōTERRA oils is to open a wholesale membership with me. This will give you a minimum of 25% to start with off the retail price - and this is how I got started with mine. This discount can also grow to 55% off over time. 

There are a number of ways in which you get two types of membership when joining with me, so for more information please email and I’ll take you through the options and explain the best way to get started. The two types are:

  • Wholesale Customer: no minimum order required or monthly spends, order what you like when you like

  • Wellness Advocate: for people who want to share these oils with friends and family and get paid some rewards for doing so

Both of these memberships are eligible for the discounts mentioned above. 

I will help you find the best option that is going to suit you best.